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11:52 a.m., Mar. 06, 2006

It's time for spring!

Very exciting.

On another note, someone really got on my nerves regarding circumcision. How it's "barbaric." Really, take a hike! We've been doing it for quite a long time, and gasp - survived!! Shove all your arguments, and medical "proof" and all that baloney that's been brainwashed into you. I mean, hey, if someone is against circumcision - fine. Don't do it, no one puts a gun into your hands. But don't go assaulting someone elses' religious beliefs b/c they don't correspond to your precious views. Learn that not all people aer going to live their life your way.

Really, I get my blood boiling when someone tries to shove their religion/views down my throat. I'm a thiking human being. You didn't give birth to my child - so it's not up to you to decide whether he should or shouldn't be circumcised.

OK, off my soap box :)

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