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8:47 a.m., Sept. 09, 2002

Ok, crisis averted - found my disk in print services. How silly do you have to be, really! Just shows ya - don't try to do million things at once - it was a hell of a day on thursday! Wiping sweat off the forhead. :)

How silly is that - to write such things in my diary. Oh well! Not every entry must be deep and profound.

Btw, we watched Queen of Spades on VCR yesterday, that was our first opera that we went to (Mike and I ) - and it sure is one of my favorites, we watched 1983 production of Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Very impressive. 3 hours passed just like that :) Really, we had a "lost weekend" this weekend - that's where u have no plans and just putter around the house. Did some major cleaning, cat was driving me NUTS! - decided to wake up at 5 a.m. on Sunday and started meowing and scartching. At 6:30 both of us were effectively up and running. At about 10 a.m., I 've managed to do about 1/3 or my statistics final project. I do work better in the mornings! But then I was feeling so zomby-ish. Oh did I mentioned we had a great sushi night on Saturday night? Just "dinner for two" - after coming back from Vancouver I have this slight obsession with sushi - I always liked it, but somehow I forget :) and then I get a chance to eat it and it's like, wow I like sushi. Of course, I didn't feel like going to actual restaurant (and paying big bucks :) - so went to this cool store, which, among other things, carried a party size platter of sushi - 3 diff kinds, the whole deal. Only $10. I think it's a pretty good deal! - and that same store sold sake, but it was a bit outrageous price-wise, so we had sushi with wine. Still was pretty awesome!!!

Romantic dinner, for two - we haven't done that for a while.

On another subject - I can't wait till Red Dragon comes out. Aside for the cool plot, and all, Eddie Norton plays there! I didn't even realize it, and he's so so very cool. One of the most talented young actors of the new wave, I think. Even Mike agreed to see it, and he's Mr. Picky, he didn't see Hannibal b/c Ridley Scott directed it - despite that the movie was actually good - just b/c he didn't like his previous works. I thought Hannibal was excellent - beautiful Italy views, Anthony Hopkins at his best, not too much grossness, and not too much mushiness :) Perfect combination imho. I actually just might talk Mike into watching it - see, he thought taht "for sure" he wouldn't like Fight Club and he did! Talk about expanding horizons. Ok, well, my break is coming to an end. Such a frantic entries. That's me!

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