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8:12 a.m., Sept. 09, 2002

Ok, slight feat of panic. I lost my disk! I can't find a disk where I stored all of the Typography class files! I don't know if I left it at home, or if I left it at school on Thursday last week, or where it is! Nrmally, I keep it in my purse (great place, I know!) and I can't find it there, which makes me totally flip! I'm in school now, and have no idea where the stupid disk is! Ooooh, it would be soo bad, b/c i have 2 weeks left, and this whole project is the last one - kinda like a final. And it has over 20 scans! Which means if I lost the disk, not only I would have to re-do the project, but I'd have to re-scan everything piece by piece. The stupid part is that if I tell anyone they'll make a smart face - ooh, you're such a shlimazal :) - well, yeah I am! Beat it. So I'm on a little flip b/c I didn't take the disk out of my school bag during weekend - it's for the Mac anyway, and I only have PC at home so I never work on school projects in home. Which means, if it's not in my school bag or purse, I did leave it in school! And the chances of retrieving it are - deadly small! OOOOHH NOOOO.

Ok, ok, another 45 min till print services open, most likely I left it there. Hopefully! I'll write how that went.... With my luck though.....

layout byapplegail designs

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