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7:07 a.m., Dec. 22, 2004

Im really tired, but things are going well. Gabriel is making a great progress, he started eating on his own yesterday - he still gets IV, but they decreased it significantly, so he gets my milk - and they will increase the doses gradually. I have been pumping religiously, and it seems to be working - I'm getting good amounts of milk, and we've been storing it in the freezer. I'm hoping to be able to breastfeed him exclusively. The nurses said that today they may try and actually put him to my breast, but I doubt he will take it - he is still very very weak, and even eating from the bottle is a huge job for him. But other than that, Gabriel has been such a joy - the magnezium finally got out of his system and he's much more alert now, opens his eyes and looks around, and he really likes to be held (who doesn't I guess ;)) My dad takes me to the hospital in the morning - he currently doesn't work - and then Mike comes second part of the day after his work day is over, so I get to spend the whole day in teh hospital - but no compliants, I get to see my baby, and in between feedings, they have a nice lounge for moms, so I get to hang out there, and even sleep. I'm feeling much better physically too, my energy level is much higher now. He is a week old already, wow! :)

So that's the update. I think he still will be in the hospital for about 2 weeks, but I'd rather him go home absolutely healthy than not.

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