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10:00 a.m., Dec. 31, 2004

Happy New Year everyone! Ours will be uneventful, just going to my parents. This year is definitely the one to take it low key.

Gabriel is doing very well, but still will stay in the hospital until he's able to eat by himself. He's so little, he gets tired easily and basically eats 1/3 of what he should and then falls asleep peacefully. So until he has enough strength to eat more by hismelf, he'll stay... but on the plus side, he is off all the medications - no antibiotics, no IV, nothing! So it's just a matter of time... and a lot of patience... I miss him so terribly when Im at home! But they are taking excellent care of him at the hospital and I'd rather for him to go home healthy.

Here is his picture - isn't he cute! ;) (of course, Im totally biased!)

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