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5:40 p.m., Dec. 03, 2002

This freakin' snow is driving me nuts. It's like, first days of December - the whole winter is still ahead. Months and months of cold. Why, god, why. :-)

Ok I am being dramatic... but I don't know what to do with myself lately. I just feel restless.

Our kitty is officially huge. Almost size of a dog now, and not even a year old. But it's not fat, she's just very long and extremely furry. It's like a ball of fur. Very sweet. Her paws alone are tremendous - big, with tuffs of fur in between. She divides our attention in the most funny way : I am there for cuddling and petting, Mike is there for entertainment - play with her toys, chase each other, stuff like that. She loves crawling onto my lap and purring. Ahh. Having a cat is so theraputic.

My friend C., a feminist, and I were having this discussion about Bridget Jones' Diary (the book). I love that book. I was reading it with tears of laughter in my eyes. It just makes me laugh so hard, and I can identify myself with her, in some ways (obsession on weight would be one of them ;). Btw, - side tracking here - Mike decided to propose to me while we were watching BJ the movie, he said he just saw my face while watching it and decided that he'll buy an engagement ring. (He proposed about 4 months later). Weird, huh. Anyway, so - my friend thinks the book has some humor to it but she doesn't like it because - get this - Bridget Jones is "too needy." Because she's afraid to die alone and be eaten by dogs. C. is married though. So it's not like she is going to die alone and be eaten by a dog. And she's 26 for gods sakes, not over 30, like BJ. Yes, yes, I hate people who are married and think, therefore, that all their single friends must be married too, and conciously ask single friends how's their sexlife. I can relate to Bridget Jones in so many ways. I am just as clumsy, have just much of a talent to get myself into strange and embarrassing situations. And, did I mention, I am a bad cook?!

The feminist ideas as a whole have a point. My body my choise - no one should tell me what to do if I choose abortion. Women should be paid equally for work they do, just as men do. But I feel that no one is to judge Bridget Jones for "desperation." Having a soul mate is important; it has nothing to do with "social status." I don't even care for a social status. I only care that I have a soul mate, someone I can relate to.

Mike doesn't believe in soul mates at all btw. He thinks we're just together because we met - purely by accident - and fell in love, but he assured me that if I suddenly die now, he might find someone else after he gets over me. Fair enough! But while we're both alive I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone else probably. Who else would forgive my lousy house keeping skills, my moodswings, my freakishness. There.

In conclusion, Bridget Jones RULES!

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