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7:37 a.m., Dec. 02, 2002

Wow. 4 days passed just like that and I feel rather tired - lots of stuff was crammed into those days. Saw Mike's cool cousin, got drunk in a bar, saw Harry Potter once again, etc.

and now in panic realize that my projects are all due within 10-12 days. Which is good because it's means school is over too :) but it's scary at the same token.

Good news is, I got D. to help me with Flash, so I acually might pass that class. Not that I learned anything, what a shame. But I do not foresee making Flash websites any time soon during my career, so if I will be really pressed to learn it I will, otherwise...

So, today I will be stuck in school till the evening. Not that I have anywhere to go - they promised massive snow today, and I have no will to drive at all - better wait it out, till it's over . Snow sucks. Yes, it's pretty, yes I used to get very excited as a kid about it... but not when u have to drive and be afraid that your car will give out, or start sledding or whatever else.

Received a rather disturbing letter from my childhood russian friend I mentioned sometime ago, the one who is a diplomate. I don't know. People change I guess... I wrote that I really like Thanksgiing holiday.. which is true, I do. Mostly because it is a nice excuse to have a family party. He wrote me back something like, "do explain why do you like Thanksgiving. Is american culture affected you that much? Even though you lost russian citizenship, I still hope that you are a "russian" at heart, because I do not like americans much". Ok. This was just plain stupid because I do not hate russians just like that, en masse. I hate stupid russians. I hate drunks and retards who cannot connect two words without swear words in between. I also do not like stupid americans. But then it's not because they are americans, u understand. As for my identity.. a funny thing. I do not feel strong affinity with anything. I cannot call myself "american" in 100% scale - sure I want the country I live in to be OK, so I obviously want its well-being. This country was nice to let my family to live in it, why should I dislike it. Yet I cannot say that I completely don't care about Russia. I want everything to be fine there as well! I grew up there, I still have friends there. There is a reason, my friends, why a non-american born cannot be a president. That's the reason. I am also a Jew. So, naturally I want Israel to be fine, because it is my heritage too, if not by birth, by spirituality. And I have close family there too. So.... since there is so much going on, I cannot say that I strongly feel an affinity with one particular country. I am a mix. A weird mix. I would like to be called "citizen of the world". As for my friend... well, I hope that he is not totally nationalistic because that means I cannot ever introduce Mike to him - how would it be, hey Mike, I hate americans? ;) I hate blind hate.

He wasn't like that before. People change.

Ok. My fingers are freezing.

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