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8:08 a.m., Jun. 03, 2003

Quick update. I really have very little time lately it seems. Projects are going, today I hope to get approved for annual report and final part of LOTR project after which I'd just have to print it. CD is almost done, CD covers are done completely. I'm putting my portfolio together this weekend. So, hopefully, it all will fall into place.

Big news. Mike is looking for a "real world" job. We have discussed and at the moment it seems like the only solution for our financial problems. I do not blame him because I know how much he put into his work, but circumstances, overall market,and other things have just made it extremely difficult to make money. Any job will be fine at this point becuase it still will be temporary - once we're back to normal, he's going back to trading. So I am not sweating it, I totally believe he will succeed in trading, it's just that at the moment we need some financial base. So isn't it fun - both of us looking for a job at the same time :)

Graduation is on the 18th, exactly 2 weeks. Yeah!!! :)

layout byapplegail designs

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