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1:20 p.m., Oct. 01, 2003

Holidays went okay- rather uneventful. I�ve read a brand new book by V. Pelevin � DPP/NN. Quite intriguing, of course very Pelevin-like. I did think it was somewhat similar to Generation P, he even brought in a mention of a character from that book, and never missed a chance to mention BG, of course � which was rather funny in the context. But overall I still liked it � the idea that someone could build his whole life based on a number, and the idea that people � those average ppl around u are of course not what they seem � of course, back to Buddhism, as usual with Pelevin. I did not like the number of gay references � I�m not in any way homophobic but I think it was slightly too much. Overall� it was fun. I�ve noticed Pelevin steadily puts himself as this �time commentator� � every book is a reflection of the most modern timeframe�

Otherwise, no news. Oh well.

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