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6:15 p.m., Feb. 19, 2002

Wow, my own online diary. I used to keep one when I was younger-on paper of course - but then I got way too busy with my life. Anyhow, Im so happy to finally be able to re-start doing it, and I certainly type faster than I write.

Well, tons of things are going on in my life now - Im getting married in 2 months. It's really weird b/c I always thought I'll end up alone somehow, but well, that did not happen and I met Mike, and everything happened way fast. I was freaking out half way through b.c things were going way too well - for me! - but he's really the best. So I guess it's somewhat happy end! - after all the fiascos anyway. The wedding will be on April 21st. I hope that I won't trip and won't spill the wine :) other than that it should be cool! Allrite it's enogh for the first one. My class is about to start.

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