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1:40 a.m., Aug. 22, 2002

This is going to be super "female" entry. So, if anyone reads this and doesn't like it - tough!

Yesterday, me and Nikka went to a movie called Possession. Surprisingly, I did like it. Aside for a fairly predictable outcome (I predicted the movie "twist" right in the middle) - it still was very well done, beautiful, and - yes - romantic!

So I would recommend it to people.

This part was good. Now, here goes the part which really pissed me off. And it's on a female subject. My best friend started the whole talk - once again - about the necessity of going to the gyno. Now, here's some background on this: I HATE THE IDEA of it! I hate the idea that someone will be prodding into my private parts. If I can avoid it - I would. Basically, I read that once you have sex, you should do it regularly, like once a year. Well... as of right now, I never been to one. I am scared, ok.

But this time, I think she overstepped her boundries. She went on and on how my chances of having children are so very slim because I'm already old, and by the time I start working on my first one, I'll be 29. How it's totally possible that I'm completley infertile because my fisrt cousin (the one from Israel) couldn't have kids. (Her daughter is adopted). And I 'm like - are you a specialist to tell me this? This is only a cousin, not even an aunt! What I hate about this whole thing is how she gets on her high horse - it's like, she goes to the gyno, so everyone aruond must. Otherwise, they're wrong. So basically, to sum our conversation up, she told me that she thinks that there's a huge chance for me to have serious problems conceiving because I have never been to a gyno, because I'm old, and because I have some pain during my periods. (Which is, actually, perfectly normal).

Anyway. I don't see how a visit to a gyno can help this hypotetical chances of infertility. So maximum, they'll test me for cell abnormality, how is it going to help to conceive. And, of course, Mike is so old too, he's 35, and so his chances of giving us normal children are slim as well.

Anyway... I guess what makes me really ticked off is the way she just makes those assumptions and how just b/c she is doing something, everyone around must. I have a doctor, I have a physical about once a year, and I'm fine. I'm healthy, have good blood pressure, no heart problems, nothing. So I'm 28, it's not the end of teh world. I have almost no doubts that I won't have any problems conceiving when I'm ready. Gyno or no gyno.


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