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2:04 p.m., Feb. 05, 2003

Oh how much difference can a little sunshine bring. I feel so much better :)

I cannot believe that next week is mid-terms! How did that happen. I mean, time just zooms- I feel both happy and nervous. So many what ifs. I am afraid not to get a job after I graduate. I suppose it's everyone's fear, with the job market and all. But I am usually a girl who gets a job within two weeks after the official job search starts. I have never been out in limbo for more than two weeks. Call it luck, or determination, or both. I guess I can't believe that I will actually get paid money for something I do enjoy doing. And it won't be administrative job either! This just makes me so happy I want to dance! But then I start doubting - what if no one will hire me. I still have tons of time, and in fact I'll try to get an internship next quarter. But... I guess because so many stakes are put into this job. It's our security - our health insurance, and our guarantee that I finally will be ready to have kids. Mike makes good money, but health insurance really kicks us; we pay ridiculous money now to just have basics. And we are young, dammit!

Well, I guess you can't jump above your head. Will live and see.

On the subject of Iraq. I have mixed feelings after listening to Powell's speech today. I absolutely hate Bush and I surely will vote against him and his administration next year. But as far as Iraq itself.. No doubts they hide their weapons, no doubts at all. Sometiems to be safe you got to attack first. If Israel didn't attack first during the Six-Day War, there would be no Israel. I do think, however, that the war will affect the market, and since my husband is a day trader that worries me. But I think our safety should come first.

Got to go to class.

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