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12:01 p.m., Jun. 27, 2002

Im in a great mood today! Yesterday was kinda annoying b/c had to go to the doctor with this stupid ear infection. I already can be a doctor on ears myself! Really, I know the routine: ears are stuffed, they clean it manually - tons of water in the ear and then poking - so lovely.. NOT!. Then of course everything there is swollen, so antibiotics and ear drops it is. At least this time antibiotics didn't taste as disgusting as they normally do... since i cannot swallow pills, I resort to chewing.. pretty gross.

Anyway.. I was planning to write about happy mood, not the ears ;) I am happy because - I lost 1.5 pounds! I got to exersice today! I also actually cooked dinner! (which is a huge accomplishment for me because I really am bad at cooking! But I took a recipe and followed it completely and it WORKED!) Also I had time to continue working on my translation, and did 2.5 pages (which is a lot b/c it's really not easy being an adequate translator!). Mike is being sweet, and we might go out tonight. And received my last check from work that turned out to be much more than I thought - all unused vacation counted.. :) So.. life is PEACHY. On top, figured where we're going to celebrate my birthday this year, which is coming up soon! - gonna go to a Spanish cafe where they do tapas. It's really nice, and I love their sangrias.

So I could say Im enjoying my time off. And.. I am very happy w Mike. He is so funny, and he lets me be me, and we have a really cool relationship. He is totally non-controlling, and sweet, and I don't know.. I am tired of beating on the wood at how lucky I am. To meet such a cool guy, and have him love me.

Otherwise.. the weather here is extremely hot, as usual in the summer. Thank got the air is finally working.

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