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6:57 a.m., Aug. 23, 2000

Well, soon I'll become queen of interviews! :) So the one with the cool company, which I really want was postponed from Friday to this coming Wednesday - so I got that one going for me. Then yesterday someone e-mailed me from another company to which I applied via Monster. The most weird thing - the position and job description sounds EXACTLY like the big company where I didn't get the job... and this company is not any smaller. What's even more interesting, is that they also deal with the same business that the company I've worked for 2.5 years with before I quit to go to school full time. I bet this was one of the reasons why they picked me. Bottom line, they want to set up interview as well, so HR will call me on Monday for that one. So yeah, things are popping up and I'm sure that with enough persistence I'll find something!

We have a busy day today, going to my brother's for "Annual BBQ" - how's that. I haven't seen him since his wedding! - he's been in London for business for 2 weeks, and then just somehow didn't happen - so that's cool. I hope he'll have some wedding pictures ready, I want to see how it all came out. And then tomorrow, we're going to Nikka's sister's house, she lives in the city and rents a room in an apartment with 2 friends. This should be fun - I still think of her as this little girl and now she's hosting parties :)

And, we finaly figured where we're going for our little getaway next week, for Labor Day. I booked the hotel and everything - so pretty exciting!!!!

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