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7:41 a.m., Jun. 16, 2005

Well, I'm still around, just really busy... my work suddenly got all that much more demanding, and it's just insane all around. Gabriel is doing very well, he's 6 months already! Big boy. He's such a cutie, not even funny ;)

Mike is looking for a job, and has couple prospects already so we're hoping it's going to happen soon for him. One of the companies he's interviewing for is pretty big and solid and so if he gets a job there it would be pretty secure. One could hope!
He's had 1 interview with them already and they're inviting him for another one.

I just hope our lives will get back to normal soon. Though now we have to look for a sitter for Gabriel.... but it's not so bad b/c my dad will stay with him half days so we really only need someone for 4 hours a day 4 days a week. It's not so bad! I'm interviewing this one lady who's russian speaking, and used to be a pediatrician in russia! - that's pretty neat. Hope it will work out.

Otherwise... I wish my work was a bit less busy, suddenly it's all mad pile up. But I suppose that's okay...

I had a dream taht I was pregnant with triplets! Gosh I hope not :) Really, when it comes to kids.... if my next one will be a girl we will be done for sure. If it's a boy... I may give it another shot, but if it would be a boy #3 - we would be done! Though I cannot imagine myself raising 3 boys, but then I could never imagine having even one boy, and look at me! It's not so bad!

OK well.. back to work I guess.

I wish I could go to Europe!

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