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8:49 a.m., Jul. 22, 2002

Ok, so nothing happened in my sleep to give me ideas about my project. But no wonder why! Our cat sleeps with us at night in our bedroom (dog too), and normally she kind of just lays on one of her shelves, and only starts walking on your face around 7:30 a.m. which is normally when I wake up anyway. Well, today she decided to eat in the middle of the night, and dropped her bowl of water on the floor. (We keep her food all the way up, on the bureau, so that the dog wouldn't get to her food). Incidentially, this type of wood cannot stand water, so Mike actually got up, turned on the light, and started wiping it. Then of course, he was showing my cousin some of his paintings earlier, and left them on that bureau as well. So he had to dry the paintings too - luckily, no damage. But the bottom line, it's 1 a.m., and light is so bright on, and I feel like shouting swear words! (yeah of course it's all cat fault and all, but arghh). And then he goes into his "oh now I can't fall asleep, so I might as well be up" thing, so he goes into the living room with the pillow, and the dog follows, and of course the excited cat follows too. But then the cat wants to be everywhere, so the fact that I shut the bedroom door (b/c the light coming out of the living room seriously disturbed my chances of falling asleep again) bugged the cat , and she was scratching and meowing and I still would not let her in. Got to be tough with her, sometimes!

But the bottom line is, it took me another 1.5 hours to fall asleep and Im so exhousted, my first class started at 8 today!

Which brings me to another point, in the middle of teh night yesterday I got the idea that the reason why it's hard for me to lose weight now (at least harder than it's used to be) is because about 90 % of the time I'm sleep-deprived. We tend to go to sleep late, much later than I used to before I moved in with Mike, and we wake up stil failry early, and I simply can't get enough sleep, even when I dont get woken up in the middle of the night. And lack of sleep lowers one's metabolism, I read about that. So - go figure! They say that women who severely lack sleep have much more chances to be overweight than those who sleep enough. Which I guess rings true b/c if you take care of yourself, you're in better shape. And being all on coffeine really doesn't cure it.

Anyway.... got to go - class is over!

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