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10:15 p.m., Jul. 21, 2002

It is so incredibly humid today that I just want to shout! Our place is semi-conditioned, so really, it's not very cold. Mike is gone to his friends' BBQ and I just couldnt go through with eating hot dogs and pretending Im interested in Mr. Commander (dude who invited him) and his wife. They were at our wedding and I mean, they're not bad people, just he has this militant way about himself, kind of, do what I say or die. His wife is Chinese, he is white, and she is quiet as a mouse around him. Wonder why he picked her! BTW I don't believe in that stereotype that all oriental women are quiet and submissive, and all that bs, I know at least two who are just the opposite! But he certainly went for the quiet one, and he likes to order people around. Now Mike likes him because he has some sort of "originality" to him, which appeals to Mike. Considering that other people surrounding him are pretty much boring suburbia, I guess Commander strikes something in his brain. And perhaps I would have gone along any other day, but it's like I got to be OK physically to be able to endure mental strain, which is undoubtedely what this event would be for me :) But Mike is such a sweetheart, and he said no problem, relax, enjoy. And I did! Watched our wedding video (oh how sappy, I know! :) - but we just got it 2 days ago, and I saw it only once, and it is so awesome, I just had to see it again. Alone and undisturbed. So that I could chuckle at some silly guests, and cry seeing Mike's face during the huppa... he was literally crying through the whole thing. I was not.

So.. All is OK. Except that I have no strength for homework, I know it's lame, I don't even WORK anymore! But I have to come up with this concept and I just have a blank in my head now. Probably it will strike me at night, usually in my dream. It happens often to me, where I would have some sort of a problem, and resolve it in my dream, and then wake up completley knowing what to do. Very weird feeling, but I read it's normal, apparently your brain processes the info during sleep the best, and arranges it too. :) If only I could learn foreign languages that way :)))

And I got so many cool presents for my birthday, a dress from my mother in law, and Amelie on DVD from my best friend!!! and Borders gift certificate from my brother! So cool, just the right stuff ;) and another gift cert. from my mom, from my favorite clothes store, New York & Company. (Favorite, yet hardly affordable, I shop there very rarely b/c it's so darn expensive!)

So.. Im a happy camper. But I wish I had more will power? organizational skills? something I guess, to be able to write my story more often, i.e. more regularly, not sporadically. And the weight is not getting lost - why?? I exersice 4 times a week now, but I'm still pretty high. Ok, so several birthday parties at restaurants will do it to you. But the funny thing I don't even eat much, and after restaurant I don't eat at all. Maybe Im just getting old and my body refuses to slim down? Nah, that's probably not true. I don't know :) Guess persistence is the key.

Ok.. enough ramblings for the day...

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