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6:25 a.m., Jun. 17, 2004

Hooray - we saw a heartbeat yesterady! It was totally amazing - first she showed the whole thing and it looked like a little thumb print inside that sac, and then she run the actual heartbeat waves. It was so amazing and strange!!! Anyway, she said everything was fine, the beat was at 125. Then I saw the doctor, but not the one I originally wanted, another doctor, they told me they want me to meet everyone in their practice so that when I deliver I'd know their face. Which I guess makes sense! So anyway, she told me that based on my test and the fact that there was heartbeat, things are going just right, so no need to go in again for another 5 weeks. My next appointment is on July 22, I believe. This is a relief! - now I can go on vacation feeling so much better. They said they run projesterone again with my last blood test and it was at 20.5 this time, so they said it was a good result so no need to take supplements. So all in all, I really feel relived and it's just so amazing that it's actually there. Somehow it just seemed so unreal but once I saw that heart beating it really clicked! I think even Mike was touched, he certainly looked just as amazed when he saw the beats.

So - phew, the first scare is over. I guess so far I've avoided ectopic pregancy and blighted ovum, so that's good. Of course now i keep thinking what else can happen? But I feel much more optimistic knowing my levels are okay and so far everything is allright!

Only 2 days till we leave for Oregon, I'm totally psyched now. Got tons of books to take there, since there probably won't be much to do but stare at that ocean. ;) But it still will be very nice to relax!

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