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7:20 a.m., Nov. 22, 2005

Life is... life.

I'm an aunt! My bro and sis in law had a baby boy! He's 11 months younger than Gabriel, so that's kind of cool - they'll be close.

Gabriel will be a year in December. Holy cow, where did the time go?! :)

Harry Potter & GOF was good (the movie) but went too fast and didn't cover the book adequately. But nontheless, the scenes were magnificent, especially trywizard tournament.

My best friend is turning 30 on Thanksgiving! I admit, I barely started to think about the present.... Gift certificate..but where?

Money situation is getting a tad better, hopefully we'll be able to refinance (it's in process).

And... I guess that sums it up!

Ciao for now!

Purplemystic, if you still around - hope u update! :)

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