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1:58 p.m., Feb. 26, 2003

I just have to write this :)

I woke up in the most terrible mood today. Like you know, one of those where you really don't want to get out of bed. My whole body ached. I didn't even work out taht much yesterday and suddenly both of my legs are killing me. Ouch! Plus that time of the month - additional pain and overall apathy feel. God I hate time of the month so much!

But I dragged my exhousted body to college anyway. Had work to do. Went here on diaryland, where lio - a very cool lady! - is making fairies. Check it out, I'm certainly up for such an exchange, I loove fairies.

And among other things, had an appointment with my ID teacher - that's the class where you develop corporate identity for a dead famous person. I'm doing Myrna Loy. Anyway, we're locking in for that mark, so suddenly time is running out and the teacher generously gave us appointments during his office hours today (the class is tomorrow) to look over things again and make more suggestions. So we're chatting away and suddenly he offers me belgian chocolate. They are really small but really good - so I figured okay, I will calculate it into my diet, shouldn't be more than a point. Chocolate uplifted my mood drastically! Then the guy actually liked my ideas. Which also was great. And as we were wrapping up he suddenly goes - u know, I can totally understand why you picked Myrna Loy. I was like hmm? He goes she was so beautiful, and really quite striking, and I see the same striking features in you! You look rather similar to her so I bet you can relate!!!! I turned all bright shades of red! :) And no no, he wasn't hitting on me or making any advances. He's an older gentleman, probably older than my dad, and extremely old-fashioned. Like the type who would hold the door for you, and never sit before you sat, and stuff like that. He is probably the oldest teacher in my school, who taught art and design way before it all became computerized. Therefore, I took it for what it really is - a pure compliment! And it was so good. Hearing from someone that I look like - oh just like a woman whom every single man wanted to marry in the 30's!!! (Seriously - I read that supposetely Myrna became this icon of a "perfect woman" - how cool is that! ;) So now I'm all full of myself and certainly in a great mood. Go Myrna!

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