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2:40 p.m., Dec. 10, 2002

I started writing a new novel (or story, I don't know). I suspect it's heavily inspired by Frei. I can't help it.

It will be on a cross of reality and surreality.

The problem with writing that I keep on having is the beginning. This goes for every story I ever tried to write. I usually have a brief outline of my story beforehand, sort of a cast list, main events, etc... but it's not planned to the minute detail. I admire people who do it, but I can't.

Anyway... the problem is that the beginning is always boring. To get to the "cool" part of my story, it always has to be fair amount of preliminary explanation, something that leads to the cool part, and writing out that preliminary part is a drag. I suppose I could start with the dramatic "bang" right away, but as a reader I don't want to be confused that way. I want to give a fair intro before I actually do it.

But the story is officially started, 2 pages written in MS word. I deliberately started it now, my schedule in school is slowly easing (two final projects are due this week), and before I know I'll be on my 3-week vacation hiatus, boring boring vacation where I don't travel. Sigh. So... not to go nuts and drive my poor husband nuts (because he actually works from home), I have decided to embark actively into writing my long-sought novel. I doubt it will be finished within 3-week period because if my writing is as grand as my thoughts, it actually will be failrly long. But... "ne bogi gorshki objigaut" - sorry english readers.

So, I suppose that I'm excited.

Thought number two: it's time for "organized" diet. Sigh. Ok, here's the explanation. I cannot lose weight. Period. I started my improvised "Miri must lose weight" plan last qurter vacation, i.e., 3 months ago. My brilliant idea was - eat helthy and exersice every day. I stuck to it more or less fairly, and the result is such: 3 months, 2 pounds lost. This is NOT NORMAL my friends. I exersice every day, on an average, an hour a day, on some days - half an hour a day. But - every day. I do not eat junk food. There is no McDonalds in my diet, no chips, no nothing. Occasional chocolate - so sue me. :) Anyway.. it's not working. I am not asking for much - 20 pounds. Actaully, even 17 poudns would put me into "ideal" range, or whatever that crap is. But - no. So... war # 2 would be to actually pick a reasonable diet (i.e., no Atkins, thank you very much), and stick to it with clenched teeth. Exersice plan continues as before.

After much consideration I've decided on a diet. It is from the book "Hilton Head Metabolism Diet". Get it? Metabolism? It claims not only u lose weight but also speed the damn thing up so you can actually maintain the loss. Sounds reasnable , right. Well, here's the downside, for me - big one. The meals are actually determined for you. I.e., you must follow "the plan." Which means, gasp, you must actually cook those meals yourself following directions exactly. I can make chicken once in a while, but all those salad this, salad that, fish in such and such sauce... Ahh. On the plus side, recipes are easy. But it's a lot of cooking my friends. So here's my thought - again, implement the darn thing while I am on 3-week vacation and have nothing else to do. I got to kill time somehow, it could be writing my novel and making diet dinners. The good part is, I can make same thing for Mike and he'll be happy to eat it. So I'll give it a try. And then, my school wouldn't start till 3 p. m. every day, so hopefully I'll have some time to actually cook. The diet doesn't let you diet moer than a month at a time anyway - sounds weird, I know, but basiclly after every 4 weeks of dieting you take a break, and "maintain." For some, 4 weeks is enough to lose all they want in a first place, but for some it's not , so ppl who have more weight to lose take a week or two break and then go back to the diet. Sounds good. Anyhow... I have nothng to lose! I need to get back to my "depression" weight, if u must know :) Only I won't be depressed. Wouldn't it be wonderful!

Ok. Well. Here's my grand plans.

Next class is about to start. Ciao.

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