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5:50 a.m., Nov. 22, 2004

We had quite a scare this weekend... I suppose this pregnancy was going way too well to not have a scare, eh.

So on Saturday night, after dinner and a movie we're coming home and I'm taking a shower and after I come out of the bathtub, I give myself a wipe and suddenly a big glob of mucus comes out of my private parts straight into my hand. Just so happens that at our last birthing class, the teacher went over the mucus plug - this is something that seals the uterus and usually comes out about a week or two before delivery! Now, Im at 28.5 weeks currently.. and the thing that came out of me was very darn similar to that description of mucus plug. I totally flipped out! So.... I called Mike, we both looked at it and decided this was it. I called the doctor, I got a doctor from a dr. office I go to, but not the one i usually have - but I did meet her before, so I knew her briefly. Anyway, I told her what was going on, and she said do you feel any contractions? I am like - no. She goes, well, we don't give much credit for mucus plug, unless you are actualy feeling contractions it shouldn't be a big deal. But if you want to feel safer, you can still come and be checked. Well needless to say I decided to go to the hospital anyway - there was no way I was going to fall asleep without knowing for sure everything was ok. So we go to the hospital, and show them the mucus, and the nurse is like - yep this sure looks like the plug. Great. So then they strap me to the monitor and in about 5 minutes the nurse goes - you are having mild contractions!!! Holy cow! I haven't felt a thing. She's like sometimes contractions come without pain but you should be able to recognize it, your stomach tightens and releases. Well, the problem is, I didn't feel any tigheting, nothing at all. So of course I couldn't say I was having contractions. :( So the doctor comes in, she said I was slightly dehydrated, so they put a fluid IV into me, then she examined my cervix - she said it was completely closed - thank G-d!!!! - but it looked a little "short" to her, so she siad on Monday, i.e. today, to go to the office and get an ultrasound and actually see in detail what's going on. As for contractions, they were able to stop them pretty much within couple minutes, and everything seemed fine. They also run bunch of tests on me, and all tests came out okay as well. So they do not know what triggered it, and what's going on.....

So yesterday they prescribed bed rest, so I was in bed the whole day and today is the ultrasound - I'm praying that everything will look okay. They said if my cervix is indeed short they may prescribe complete bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy!!! That's almost 3 months, people! One day of bed rest was damn hard. I can't imagine being in bed for 3 months! Of course if I have to I will but...
so Im in a so-so mood currently. The only consolation is - the baby is doing well, he moves a lot, and the nurse said he seems to be just fine. I just hope he'll have patience to sit there for at least another 2 months!

So that's the story. Im hoping that all will be okay!

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