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3:17 p.m., Jun. 01, 2005

Ok, so I guess Im feeling a bit less hysterical.

I mean things are bad. But in a huge, global perspective - he will get a job. Right?

Right now all I can think of is Gabriel - he's having his heart surgery this Friday. So, in retrospect - as long as we all are healthy - things aren't bad already!

Mike is looking very actively right now and Im hoping something will come his way. G-d knows, we all are trying.

Im still mad at him... don't get me wrong... but I just think that on the long run, I still love him and still want to make it work. Money come and go... but having him in my life, and him being such a great dad to Gabriel perhaps outweighs money - at least at the moment. I won't be willing to settle for low income life on the long-term, but for now I'll consider it as a career transition for him. It can take some time. Hope not too much time though :)

That's all for now... I'll update after the operation already. Hopefully all will be fine. Send us your good prayers

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