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1:13 p.m., Oct. 18, 2002

Yess it's Friday. I feel instantly better. It's still cold and windy out, but I finally got enough sleep last night, and I worked out for an hour today, and feel great. And I even cooked! - yes, I know it's not very exciting but it is for me - I still am amazed that something actually comes out right. Of course all my recipes have about 4 ingredients tops, and about 3 steps tops :) - but hey, it's still food, it's better than store food.

I have loads and loads of homework, but absolutely no will to do it. I was right, print production is turning to be the most obnoxious class, due to the crazy teacher. But the rest is flowing OK, except I am out of idea for package design project. We have to come up with 3 concepts for a product, and I got only 2. This is actually bad, because in real world they probably would reject first three on a spot :) But really, how many concepts can you work out for Fruitopia - the most disgusting drink I've ever tasted ;) Anyway. We'll see, maybe later tonight or tomorrow I'll be hit with a brainstorm.

I'm hanging out with Nikka tonight - as usual. Tomorrow my dad might come visit - mom is in Vegas with her girlfridn :) - so he's alone and I'm happy he'd come alone - at least I know that even if my house is not spotless, it won't be criticized for hours, like if my mom was there. So.. And then tomorrow nite we're going to hang out with some friends to see some foreign movie and then eat in chinese noodle place :)

So life is OK, but I just wish I could do something... I don't know exciting?!!

Part of me wants to go somewhere in a winter despereately, but I'm afraid because I don't know how much money we'll have and also, what exactly is exciting (where?). I guess will have to figure it out. Or maybe just go someplace "nature" like? This is more up Mike's alley though, not mine.

Blah blah blah. The cat is laying by my screen, semi-obstructing my view :) She's such a cutie though. Ok. That's all for today.

layout byapplegail designs

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