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7:57 p.m., Dec. 30, 2003

Happy New Years to all who celebrate it!

We're making a small party at Nikka's -should be fun! I bought Mike so many presents - not even funny! This boy is better be happy :)) Wonder what he got me. I gave him a list - hope he got at least some stuff off it - such as some other Tolkien works, or LOTR Trivia Game... :))

I feel like my life is going in a whirlwind. "Life is a sweet thing going up in smoke" - as BG put it...

Work is ok, though slightly boring and slow at the moment. But it's a job and it pays. I keep reminding that to myself.

Mike and I are trying hard to resolve some issues - many issues that we're having. About our lives, and our future. I pray that we'll be fine. We just hit a really tough time in our lives and I hope there's a light at the end of the tunnell. It's not about our relationship so much as it's about our many situations. Too many things are hanging in the air, too little is resolved at the moment and we both are on the edge for quite some time! Kind of sucks!!!! But again - hope things will get better!!!

2004 better bring some luck!!!!

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