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12:10 p.m., Dec. 22, 2003

This will be a quick one. I'm at work. Mind u, I have no Internet access, so have to write from the library. Don't even ask!!!

Well, overall things are going well, I cannot complain. It makes a huge difference working for a big company, and i very much appreciate it. Job itself is kind of boring so far, but they said they'll really train me after new year, now things are kind of slow anyway. But hey, it's a job, it pays well, and I get benefits - well not yet, actually, but in 3 weeks I will. So - can't complain.

Got some shopping done for the holidays. This Xmas eve we're going to Mike's dad .Considering that I'm not celebrating Xmas at all and Mike doesn't like his dad - this should be an interesting venture. But hey, dinner is no harm, right. When and if we have kids, however, I'd have to be more strict about Xmas... if we truly decided to raise them Jewish that means no Xmas dinners! ;) They'll have Chanukka parties though!

I'm psyched, tonite I'm meeting with my friend Stacie - she's in town. Going to have some serious girl talk. Always nice to have someone elses perspective besides your immediate family and stuff... Also dying to hear how her pregnancy is going. This is something close to my heart since I also am hoping to get there, and I cant discuss it w Nikka as she gets mad.... b/c she's not at that point of her life yet. So it's nice to talk about it w somenoe with same perspective.

Well, my break is about to end. Ciao!

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