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7:28 a.m., Apr. 21, 2003

Happy anniversary to me! Wow, we made it 1 year. I can't believe how fast it went.

Yesterday, we had a family celebration where we invited my parents and brother with his fiance, and Mike's parents and his sister with husband and 3 kids, plus Nikka and Randy - to this semi-fancy restaurant. The thing is, their menu is good and normally is on the "average" price range - not too expensive, not too cheap. But since it was Easter -which I of course forgot about because I don't celebrate it - the same menu suddenly became 25% more expensive. They printed a pretty piece of paper with bunnies on it saying Easter Menu - and all the same items that I looked up on the internet now cost a lot more. Which was a bummer as we had to cover the bill, and I felt bad about it - because Mike had couple bad days at work lately and anyway, I felt like I was wrecking the budget (the restaurant was my choice). But Mike said it didn't make much difference, and it was worth to have our family with us - which is so true. We had the best time! Kids were adorable, totally behaved, and the baby got passed around like you wouldn't believe - everyone wanted a piece of him. Of course my mom couldn't stop holding him and Nikka was like, oh this is so bad, now she'll bug you even more for a grandkid :))) The funniest moment of the evening was certainly when the baby got to my brother. My brother who's like the manly man ;) held this tiny little boy - who was crying previously at his fiance's arms - and started making funny faces at him! We're talking scary faces, like u know, but also really funny ones. And the baby was totally mesmerized. Stopped crying and was looking at him with humongous interest. It was so funny, I laughed to tears! :) Yeah, he'll be a good dad some day. Anyway, the evening went real nice. We got a book of recipes from Nikka, got a CD with romantic opera hits, an album with scrapbooking thingies to make up (haha, me, scrapbooking... I don't know :), got two porcelain shoes (there's a proverb in Russian that says "two shoes make a pair" - which when it's said about two people it means that they are really alike, fit each other well. So it was a hint that we're so good together ;) ) and a salt shaker, and roses, and u name it. It was so nice.

Well, today we're taking it easy money-wise, just going to a bar, no fancy dinner. Going to watch our wedding video and exchange our anniversary gifts later tonitht. I'm so happy, it truly was a happy year. And it went so very fast. Just hope that the next one will be just as good.

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