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9:26 a.m., Mar. 15, 2003

We got a brand new nephew on Thursday! Kevin Scott was born, and we went to see him yesterday. What a beautiful baby. Since Mike's sister had a C, he really wasn't having this huge effort of getting out into this world, but was just taken out and so there were no bruises or swelling or anything. A perfect baby with blondish hair, he was sleeping all the time we were in the visit room. 9 pounds. So tiny though, I held him and was freaking out - 1 day old baby! I never held a baby that young. He's beautiful though, a little human. This is so amazing.

Of course my mother (she also dropped by) was all like, well when am I going to have a grandchild, blah blah. I said when the time comes, stop whining. Sometimes she can be slightly annoying with this, when are you going to have a baby, you've been married for a year. Well, there are other things to take into consideration, such as my lack of a job and stable insurance at the moment. It will all be different once I get that job, but for now - no baby. Also I think it is good that I'm getting some time with my husband before the kid comes. It took us time to just get used to living with each other and to each other's little quirks. You don't just jump from marriage to a child in one year. I am glad I had that chance, to just have Mike to myself. Not that I don't want a baby - I do! But I hate being pressured by anyone, even family. Leave your nose out of our business, when we are ready we get to tell you, not the other way. Argh. My dad is being smart about it, he's dying for a grandchild too but he keeps his mouth shut. He knows it's useless to beg, and we have our reasons.

I don't know, sometimes my mom really gets on my nerves. It is amazing to me how she and I are so psychologicaly incompatible in every way. It's like sometimes I feel she's an alien, we couldn't be more different from each other. I do love her, of course, but I cannot stand long interatcions with her. It all ends up with her somehow lecturing or criticizing me. Something is always wrong with me in her eyes, that's just how it is. The less I see of her the better i feel. I know it's terrible, it sounds real bad but it's true. We just don't mesh well together. Oh well, nothing can be done about that, can it.

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