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5:18 p.m., Mar. 18, 2003

So tired. Had to go to the Jewish area today to distribute presents for Purim (jewish holiday). It was fun, but tiring as even in the middle of the day, there is traffic!

Got lots of sweets in exchange that I shouldn't have. Hope Mike will enjoy these :)

Can't wait till today is over. Another 4 hours in school await though.

Well, it's Wednesday tomorrow already - yeah. Almost there, the school is close to an end. Today we'll finish the big project for art direction, and then it's only 2 classes left. Not too bad. Week of vaction also is nice thogh once again we arent' doint much special. But - at least it's SPRING! Finally :)

Blah blah I really have nothing to say. I need sleep so badly thogh. I can't fall asleep lately, with cat and dog, and all that. I made up my mind - I officially hate Mike's dog. I mean, yeah i can't do anything about it but boy she is annoying. So stupid, so obnoxious. I don't know how he can stand her. She barks and barks, and all she cares about is food. I mean, if it was between food and Mike, guess what would win. At least she's already 11 years old. Another couple years and it will be over with. I don't even feel bad for saying it. I really hate her. I fail to see even one positive quality about this animal; but I would never actually hurt her of course. I love Mike too much to do that. Though sometimes I swear, I want to kick her ass, especially when she tries to steal food and is being all obnoxious around anyone who eats anything around her. But I realize it's Mike's baby and I just have to deal with it. But boy, cats are so much cooler. Smart and fun, and our kitty couldn't care less about food. She's curious about smell of it perhaps, but she would never try to take it out of your hand. so that's that.

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