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8:56 p.m., Jun. 21, 2002

I'm back! Tanned, happy, and relaxed! ;)

The vacation was simply magnific - we went to a place called Ixtapa, in Mexico. By sheer accident we actually got a suite - which means, we had two humongous rooms, with two TVs, plus kitchen, and balcony, and u name it. :) The weather was perfect, the sea was beautiful and we just had a blast!!!

Even went kayaking which didn't go as smoothly b/c we got hit by the waves pretty bad, and I got lots of water in my ears which inevitably led to my ears being completely stuffed and then, of course, ear-ache. As someone who had those since babyhood, I only can say they are BRUTAL! So.. that was a dark day in the whole thing. But all in all, it was great. Free drinks, free food (well, "all inclusive" ) - bar right in the pool.. u name it. On the second day of our trip my stomach started acting up(just like me, to get sick on vacation!) - so for the rest of the trip I really didn't eat much at all - just mostly bread and stuff that cannot possibly poison you. Bad part: didn't get to eat any "fun" food. Good part: did not gain an ounce of weight, actually, probably lost, as did LOTS of swimming and other fun activities :)))

So.. life is GREAT. My parents stopped by, brought our cat back, and dog actually seemed to be happy to see cat ;) That was weird.

So.. everything's back in order. Got some more vacation b4 school starts adn no more work! What else can I wish for, really.

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