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3:37 p.m., Mar. 08, 2005

Well, Im back to work as of today. So fast the time flew by! I did work out a part time arrangement for the next two months so it's something. But I do miss Gabriel quite terribly!

The work is good too though, ppl are very nice, and I already have things to do. It is certainly fulfilling to feel needed and useful.

So the life is getting back into the routine. And I cannot wait till we go to the wedding in Omaha. I've been to the bridal shower for the bride, and it was so much fun! And they said they will have chocolate fountain at the wedding. How cool is that! ;)))

Well, got to get back to work. I'm going home in 40 min. Can't WAIT to see my sweetie.. both of them, actually ;) Mike has been very good so far with him, so it's all cool.

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