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1:12 p.m., Feb. 24, 2005

So here's some updates on whats' going on in my life.

We've been to the pediatric cardiologist to check on Gabriel's heart because our pediatrician heard a little heart murmur at his 2-month checkup and thought it would be a good idea to check it out. We were hoping it's nothing serious, but unfortunately, it's not totally harmless. :-(

His pulimnary valve in his heart is too narrow, the doctor is sure he had it since birth and it is most likely b/c of prematurity.��At the moment, it's at the "medium" stage,��but the dr. says when he grows it may become narrower - i.e., as his organs grow, it gets more narrow.��Thankfully, it does not require open heart surgery. Basically, they are going to watch him for now, so he got another appointment in 2 months.��The best case scenario - it doesn't get narrower and then they leave it as it is. The worse case scenario - it gets narrower and then he has to go through what they call engiogram - they basically put a catheter with an air baloon in his leg and widen
the valve mechanically.

I asked the dr. what's realistically teh chances for it not to get narrower and she said that she thinks the chances are pretty slim - b/c he's so little and it's already narrow, so as he grows it can only get narrower, so to say.��

But she said most likely they won't do it before he turns 1 year old, so probably after he turns 1.��In any event, now it's just waiting. She said no restrictions on him though - so he can do physical activity, and be treated as any other kid.

We are quite nervous about this, but glad they caught it on time, and we sure hope for the best. Otherwise,��Gabriel is doing very well, gaining weight, at his last monthly check up he was at 8 pounds 2 ounces. He's becoming more alert and definitely recognizes us. I hope he'll be smiling soon!

Otherwise nothing much is going on. Going to see Les Miserables soon, as well as some other play... Seems like there IS life after the baby after all, though if not for my parents babysitting, most likely I'd stay home on teh weekends.


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