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12:53 p.m., Mar. 11, 2005

It's Mike's birthday today! We're going out for dinner. Yeah! Now I learn to appreciate the times we have together... the baby does take a lot of work.

In all honesty, I really really marvel now at people who have lots of children. How do they do it?? Like, my religious friends - they have 6 kids. Granted, their oldest is 15 already (holy cow, and my friend is only 34, that's only 4 years older than me and she has a 15 year old daughter!!!) - but still. How?? How can u have more than 2 kids - a kid per adult?! We run around Gabriel day and night, sometimes b/c we both want to hang out with him, but sometimes b/c we really need 4 hands - like when bathing him. How do ppl with many children do it? Please explain!

I've seen in families with lots of kids, lots of times it's older children who step up and help their parents. Perhaps this is good. But I keep thinking, is it fair to the older kids? Should children be raising children? If a parent cannot give it all to their children, should they even have them? I guess, what Im marveling is - when you are an observer, and you see a family with many children - it's very cute (albeit noisy) - but being a parent and seeing just how much work it takes, it is totally puzzling to me how do people do it!

It's a mystery wrapped in a twinkie ;)

Well, not much news here actually - just living it day at a time. I surely cannot wait till Gabrielito learns to sleep through the night. I think all the rest will be so much easier. Sleep really gets you, we take turns of course but I still can only think of how can I sneak a nap in! that's between breastfeeding and endless pumping sessions. My son totally views me as walking milk, btw. Whereas if Mike picks him up, he's all playful and wants to be entertained, if it's me - he starts licking his lips immediately, and if I try to just goof aroudn with him and play he gets mad! My whole being means food to him. Kind of puts it all i n perspective doesn't it! It is very comforting to him too though. He hates bathiig, and usually cries his lungs out, so right after bathI take him to feed and he calms immediately and becomes content and just falls asleep. Once we had to go out and my parents bathed him and my mom told me he got sooo mad that I wasn't there to feed him afterwards. that toatlly made my heart melt :)

Well, Im turning into one of those women who can only talk about their kids. Hahahaha. Well, not really. I do put it all in perspective. I don't talk to strangers about my kid, actually, and heck it's my diary. Here's news for you - life is relaly NOT that exciting with a little infant around... it's only exciting for the silly parents who adore the child. I sure try to spare my single friends from stories about Gabriel. But to me he sure is a funniest sweetest little boy. He has couple of very funny gestures that just makes me laugh so hard.

BTW, I am watching this awesome documentary on Bob Dylan. He's such an enigma, this man. He was kind of cute when he was young. Ok, I think Im rambling. It's a wrap!

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