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2:08 p.m., Jul. 17, 2002

Well, so Im 28 now. So what?!

My birthday was pretty univentful, considering that it's Tuesday. I got couple of electronic birthday cards from remote friends... Studied at school.

Then, when I got home, Mike and I went for dinner to this Italian place, it was quite nice and romantic. And then we went to Barns and Nobles to hang out, look at books, and drink coffee. How bizzaar is that. Well, I thoght there's no presents from him ;) as I didn't see it! So part of me was slightly disappointed.. though dinner and spending time w him is just as good! But u know.. I'm still a kid at heart. Still want presents. So when we got home, I got about 6 messages on answering machine, from various people. And after talking on the phone with my mom, I went to my desk, and suddenly saw my beach hat laying there. I was like.. what the hell! So I move it, and there lay 3 small, his typical wrapped gold-paper (that's the only wrapping paper he uses, no matter what's the occasion) presents! Im so silly I konw, but it was so cool! So.. I got this really cute black and white skirt, which is kinda really thin and the material feels great. I also got a black lacy shirt, really super thin, with long flowing sleeves..ah it looks so chic! And third one was couple of things from Victoria Secrets, quite wonderful as well. Oh, he knows my tastes, surely.!

So.. all in all it was magnific! And tonight we're going to my parents' house, as my cousin from Israel came today w her family! I can't believe her daughter is already almost 15. Ouch!

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