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12:00 a.m., Jul. 20, 2002

Well, I guess a big fashion news is in order: I cut my hair! Now, to understand why it's such a big deal...my hair are insane. They are thick, curly, you can hurt your hands just brushing them! And they have a tendency to grow in width, not in length! So.. I had them braided in Mexico, just for fun - with beads, and colorful rubberbands, the whole deal. 42 braids! Well, after 3 weeks, it's kinda got tiring, so I was going to undo the braids. After the third one, my hands started to hurt a little. So I said.. hell with it! I actually was contemplating cutting my hair for a while, but it's a centimental thing, it took me forever to grow, for the wedding, and even before that. But it was such a perfect opportunity, just to chop off the braids, effortlessly. And we did it! I cut off the braids and then Mike straightened all the uneven edges with his electric shaver.

I was amazed with the results! I look younger! - who hoo! ;) Also my hair are back to my natural dark brown color from highlighted so it's kind of weird that way. But some highlights stayed, so it's cool! Im excited. And Mike was thrilled -apparently he likes women wth short hair more, and also he likes my natural color more (he never really saw it before in full scale ) So... everyone's happy.

Tomorrow is my birthday party and I think it's cool to be with the new haircut! My cousin will love it. She's such a sweetheart - I wish they could move here from Israel for good. Not only b/c I worry for them now that the situation is so unstable.. I just miss her!

Oh well! Enough rambling :) Going to read.

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