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11:10 a.m., Nov. 19, 2003

Well, the extended edition was marvelous - new additions were brilliant and more than appropriate - some expanded on characters a great deal. I very much liked the scene where Eowyn was giving Aragorn a vile stew - was very funny :))

But aside from joy this unbeileivable movie brings each time I see it... I feel so horrific. :( I know I may be unreasonable or what not, but I feel myself the biggest loser of the century. I had 17 interviews since I graduated (I counted!) and still have no job. The only job I got totally sucked and really was a bad choice from the start... but I wanted a job so bad I took it anyway....

I feel for a first time in my life that I'm totally useless :(( It's like - I always considered myself to be bright, I have all those skills and I still cannot land a job! Yeah economy is bad blah blah, but the truth is, I feel ridiculously stupid for not getting a job - when I get called for interviews. Yeah I had one this Monday, I thought it went well - no one called me back just yet. Yeah I have one tomorrow too - but I almost feel it's worthless... I will never get a job :((((

It feels so demeaing to stay home when Mike goes to work, and my parents and all... and here I am, almost 30, staying at home with no job. It is killing me!!!!

I don't know anymore... Maybe I am a loser and never realized it :( Everyone says oh you'll find something, blah... but where is it?! I spent hours in shcool recently, just polishing up my Mac skills, making stuff... but it's all useless, no one wants to hire me.

The future seems pretty bleak.

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