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5:54 p.m., Apr. 30, 2002

I can summarize my life with one word - TIRED!

I feel like nothing is going right. It's so weird b/c everyone somehow expects me to be in this state of permanent happiness now that Im married.

But I feel like I am running a rollercoaster and it's a complete mess all over. Our apartment is a huge mess and though we tried to clean it last weekend it's not even close to the end. All my boxes are still unpacked and there is stuff all over the floor, and I can't do anything about it b/c I have to work and go to school and by the time I get home I just am so f'n exhousted!

This week has been projects non stop! I hate it. They put this huge thing on me at work, which I m responsible for and it's really insane and deadline driven and meanwhile everyone wants a piece of me - at least if u give me such a huge project let me work only on it. But no.

And of course school is not any better.

I feel bad b/c I feel Mike is frustrated as well - it's a mess at home, we both are very tense. I just wish I could take a week off, settle down, relax a bit. It's like my wedding was on Sunday and on Tuesday I was back in school and Wednesday back to work. It's crazy, what made me think I can do it!

Anyway... I suppose it all will work out at the end but I just feel so crappy - gosh, why dont I have enough money to just concentrate on one thing - school! I know I m not the only person who does this, but it just seems I have no time for myself, no energy, nothing.

And upcoming weekend aint gonna be any better b/c we have to clean and arrange the place. I don't know. Maybe Im missing something?

Well, at least the cat is going to be here in 2 weeks -which reminds me, must get cat stuff for her, food, and cat litter, and the cat tree. It's kind of exciting though :)

Ok. Got to go to class :(

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