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4:32 p.m., May. 21, 2002

So this is going to be a CAT entry! - yes, we got our baby this weekend. The drive was super long since the highway lanes were half-way shut (construction, of course!) - so when we finally got there I already was exhousted (mind you, Mike did the driving!)

Well, it was all worth it. The kitty is amazing and adorable, and so so smart. She surivived the drive home pretty well, slept in her carrier. When we got home, she freakd out a bit and had an accident. But the breaders warned us that first couple hours could be especially stressful on a cat, so expect this. Well, we washed everything, including her ;) and then showed her her litter box and food, and everything, and already in couple hours she went to do her business in a litter box, and ate and drunk, and even started purring! ;) She's unbelievably cute - much better than on pictures even - with red and black markings on her back and head, and a white tummy. She's fairly furry, got amazing tall tail (will have a huge fluffy tail when she grows up probably), and is so amazingly social, I never met a cat like it! They really did a good job raising these kittens, and she's just a riot! Comes to you to play, and be petted, and here's teh funny thing she does - drinks water out of her paws. She'd first dip the paw in teh water and then lick it! We were laughing crazily :)

Well, yesterday was rather trying as we brought the dog back from Mike's friend - we decided to keep the dog out for the weekend, so that the cat could adjust to the house. As soon as Waffles walked in, with the cat being locked in another room, she started sniffing every inch in the room madly, and barking like crazy. She obviously sensed the cat's presense even if she couldn't see it. Meanwhile Oreila (yes, that's how Mike named the cat which apparently- according to him - means "pillow" in French. Why pillow? don't ask!) was hiding under the bed- I wouldn't blame her, scary barking, this dog sometimes freaks me out!!!

Well, we decided it's not a good idea to keep the cat scared under the bed, so we kind of gently pulled her out of there, and put her up high on one of her shelves. The shelves are amazing, I married a handy man! ;) Mike made a series of shelves with carpeting and everything, which he nailed directly to the wall, so it's like several levels of shelves - Oreila figured it out immediately and was jumping all over within an hour! So we put her on one of her shelves, and gave her food and water. At first she cringed and even hissed! - which actually freaked out the dog enough to stop barking!- but then, after about 10 minutes she realized that she's high and safe and dog simply has no means of getting to her. So she started peaking out at the dog, which was of course on the floor, and observed the dog for a long while. It was all very funny to watch, but at teh same time we made sure that both dog and cat felt loved and safe. After about 3 hours the cat slowly came down. The dog was kind of asleep and Mike covered her face with a pillow, so the cat tip-toed to her litterbox, and then to the bedroom to another shelf and fell asleep there. As I was leaving for school in the morning, both animals were actually sitting on the floor and staring at each other. Dog barked again, cat hissed, and then they both calmed down! ;) Cat actually understood that dog just barks but wouldn't actually hurt her, and dog I think understood that cat ain't going anywhere so no point of going nuts. So they kind of were laying on different sides of teh room and eyeing each other. Very funny. Hopefully they'll become friends soon.

I don't know, I feel so silly to be that excited, but the cat is just so so cool, and I dreamt of a cat for so long - it really is like a little baby, so funny adn sweet and when she purrs it's just such a relaxer! :)

Allrite - enough insanity! Otherwise, life is rather busy - 3 more projects in school, today is 1 month since we got married!! - I guess if we survived so far, it's good. And I decided to seriously start exersicing again once I quit my job - now I simply have no excuses, I must lose the darn 10 lb for teh sake of my own mental sake if nothing else!

Mike seems to be quite happy with everything and keeps on reassuring me taht we really can afford to do this, and I feel better now about everything. He really rocks. Well, time for class.

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