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1:33 p.m., Feb. 03, 2005

I know Im really behind on my diary. Can u blame me though? This whole baby thing is tiring!

Well, actually I can't complain, Gabriel is such a good baby. He is not colicky at all, and usually cries for a good reason. But the whole feeding during the night stuff is hard. Thank G-d Mike is such a huge help, we alternate nights, so I get full night sleep every other night. From what I understand, lot of men don't do that for their wives, so Im very appreciative.

Lets see what has been going on. We saw a very nice musical, Sweeney Todd - a bit gruesome at that, but the voices were awesome. Also, had a bris for Gabriel couple weeks ago. He took it wonderfully, I was so amazed at how little he cried. The mohel was so good, gentle and caring, and all in all, it was a beautiful ceremony.

We're going to Omaha in April for Mike cousin's wedding. I'm pretty excited about getting out, and my parents agreed to take Gabriel for teh weekend. I'll just have to pump a LOT to make sure I have enough milk supply. But that's cool with me.

W.E. is getting married! Out of all places, they picked Arizona - totally arbitrary, as they are now in Oregon, and their familis are in different states altogether. We got an invitation and Im torn - the wedding is in May, and it 's going to be totally beautiful - but the cost, and all... I dont know if we can afford it yet I want to go so badly. I always wanted to see Arizona. It seems so cool. So I am torn. I guess we'll see.

And that's all for now.

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