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6:06 p.m., June 10, 2004

So I had a checkup today and yes I am pregnant ;) - though things didn't exactly go as I hoped.��First, I found out that my dr. was held up at a hospital and won't be making it. So they asked if I wanted to reschedule or have an ultrasound today and be examined by a PA.��I chose the latter b/c rescheduling would require me to take time off work again and it wouldn't be cool at this point considering they don't know yet at work.��

So anyway, the ultrasound was weird ;) - it hurt just a bit after the nurse stuck this huge thing into me.���I knew going in that maybe we won't see heartbeat yet, just a sac, and that's exactly what happened... All we saw is just a small circle and that's it.��So then they re-routed me into another room and another nurse came in, they gave me What to Expect book and some other info, and then the PA came in and she said that judging by the date of my last period Im at 5 weeks now and so I'm slightly early for a heartbeat; however it is a minor concern that there may be something wrong w my pregnancy or it could be ectopic... so the bottom line is, they want me to come in every two days for urine and blood tests - to see how my levels are rising - and then they are going to do an ultrasound next week again - she said by that point Im supposed to have the heartbeat already.��I don't know why but this really depressed me.�� I wasn't scared when I saw just the sac but when she started talking like this I was like - god, what if something is wrong!��And then the thing is, we are leaving next Friday for Oregon, I don't think in this point there's a way we can cancel this trip - too much $$ put into it and Mike would be unhappy forever. So now Im totally nervous what if we don't see a heartbeat by Friady - then what?�� Mike is like - it's all bs, you are doing just fine, they are just being extra careful to cover their butt, the heartbeat will show, all will be fine. I hope so!��

So all in all, it wasn't too bad, just the fact that I have to come back that often makes��me slightly worried.

I still took a picture of that first ultrasound - even if there's no baby, still nice to see there's something there....

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