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10:05 p.m., Sept. 29, 2002

Just came back from Pevzner's concert. It was so great, hard to describe. Of course, now Mike is really sick, caught my cold, and sneezing like crazy - so he really wasn't too excited about going at that point, but he went anyway b/c he said it's probably going to be once in a lifetime experience. Which it was - hosted in a small Club House of a local village, about 35-40 people concert... Pevzner is awfully cool, easy to talk to, and writes funkiest stuff. He's huge on word play, and actually writes lots of "absurd" - little poems which make no sense and just play with words. Very cool! Earlier that day we went to his mom's for dinner, and had a marvelous time as well - she's such a cool lady, really, knows how to listen, and is very sweet.

Unfortunately I'm again in a semi-fight with my mom - I really am starting to think that she has some issues - yeah we all do, but I mean, I don't know..

Mike and I are supposed to go on a camping trip- this summer, sometime in June, after I graduate. Mike is obsessed on camping, and I promised him before we got married that after I graduate, we'll go on a long trip. (Since now my vacation times are pretty limited to school schedule). So, yesterday Mike mentioned it, and my mom went bezurk! Of course, not at the table, no. She called me today to specifically tell me, how she hasn't slept at night (and it's all my fault) because we're wasting our lives, because right after graduation I'm supposed to plug myself into work, and of course - what about the BABY. Beaucse the baby must be conceived pretty much the night of my graduation from college :) And how she thinks I'll never "grow up", and Mike at his 35 years old age should already grow up as well. Blah blah blah. All because we're going to leave for a month. So I didn't even finish listening to this bs, and just hanged up. I can't deal with her anymore, she's trying to run my life for me. It's like, if I don't fit into her little "box" of how my life is supposed to be running according to her, she's going into some hysteria. Well, I had just about enough. It saddens me a bit because she is my mom after all - but god, she got to get a life, really.

Other than that... I drunk too much red wine today, so feel a bit woozy ;)

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