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12:22 p.m., Apr. 13, 2005

So we kind of patched up with Mike. I still think it was ridiculous of him to call his mother... well, guess we live and learn. Im sure he won't be doing that again. It probably will take me a bit longer to be completley open again though... It's like he cornered me, almost and now I feel very very cautious.

Well, on the bright side - tonight we're going to see Dana Carvey - yeah! -and for a good cause - it's an event organized by JUF (Jewish United Fund)to support various jewish causes. So not only it will be fun, but the money will go to a good cause. I'm very happy about that.

So, I finally can semi-fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. Not quite there yet. This whole b-feeding kind of sets it off - I mean yeah it's hard to button certain suits when ur shall we say bust goes up like 2+ sizes. Not to mention avoiding wearing anything tight in fear of looking like Pamela Andersen ;) So I swing by in loose shirts for now. Gabriel better appreciate all the effort - seriously , b-feeding feels like a full time job on its own.

He's such a cutie though (knock on the wood). Very joyful baby.

Well, next week is our wedding anniversary (time flies, why did I write "3 weeks" before? I don't know). I'm hoping we'll go some place nice.
My parents already agreed to babysit. So I'm wondering what he got me for the anniversary - he's usually good about remembering, but somehow this year I feel like i want something more than a gs to Borders or something like that. Not that material things are that important, don't get me wrong, but somehow I'm wishing he'll think of jewlery. If he doesn't - it's ok, I won't be mad either.

But it was an important year for us, and heck, giving birth was such an ordeal... I think I deserve something nice for that. But again, if not - c'est la vie.

Otherwise... Can't wait till today is over. Kind of busy here though. Better get back to work!

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