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6:13 p.m., Mar. 14, 2002

Speaking of insainty. What a day. Of course while I was at Mike's yesterday I realized suddenly that all my picture files for that project that I was hoping to work at his place on, were at my home, on my hard drive. So instead of doing homework we ended up going to Hobby Lobby to pick up covers for my menu (and boy they look soo cool, like snake skin, in these oriental colors!) and drunk some wine and blah. So then I had to get up at about 7 a.m. to go home and do it there. I seriously believe that computers really feel your anxiety and rush as everything refused to work! Oh I got into the file ok, and edited it, but when it came to sending it to my online e-mail account so I could get to it from school and print, - my e-mail just gave up! It just simply would not open, not only my main one, but also my online one. It took me an hour to mail two files! I was so frustrated I almost cried. So then I startaed counting pages of my project and turned out that I didnt buy enough special paper for it, I was about 2 pages short. So then I had to drive to the paper store to pick up these missing two sheets and they were out of them! So I picked out different paper, very similar in color but diff in texture. Hope my teacher wouldnt notice. Grrr. Then I runned to David's to pick up my wedding gown which is ohhhhhh so beautiful and I had to stick it into the trunk to the horror of the alterations ladies. Well I bent it extremely carefully so hopefully not much damage, but they're like oh what if someone steals it. Yes it's a possiblity but what can I do, driving from that place home and then back to school made no sense as my school and the bridal store are one block from each otherunlike my home, but bridal store closes at 8 while my school runs till 9. Anyway.. what a mad mad time.

On top, mom said that got package from the evil cousin - I will return the gift. I mean she certainly was not invited for the gift and I find it rather insulting that after all she put me through she sends me this box hoping that this somehow woudl compensate for all the anxiety and the fact that she has no decency to show up at my shower and wedding. :( Quite disappointing.

Hope to get out of school earlier today and visit my grandma. With all the crap going on, I didn't have a chance to see her this week, well if not today for sure tomorrow after work. This week literally flew by. My biology comprehensive test is next Thursday, the teacher said you'll be fine if you study. So somehow must squeeze couple hours of study b/n all the activities. And better exersice as well, seriously, no time for anything!

Oh well. I guess at least Im busy and it's in a way happy troubles - like picking up the pretty dress ;)

Just wish I had more sleep thogh b/c feel like a zombie.

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