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4:52 p.m., Mar. 13, 2002

What a long day! Actually it was utterly busy and insane but at the same time long. And for whatever odd reason I really wanted to have yogurt! which my company actually provides for free for employees. It just made me laugh b/c had two diff non-fat yogurts and normally I can�t stand these b/c they are well just that � non-fat and quite artificial tasting. Although nothing beats non-diary cheese I should say ;-) Anyhow, 120 calories each, 0 grams of fat. Mike thought I was a loonie when I told him that � not per say the fact that I wanted yogurt but the fact that I had it non-fat, and two of them. He goes if I wanted something so bad at least I�d get it good (meaning with calories and the whole deal). I go yeah and you�re not the one at whom everyone will stare in April as her dress will split. He said I was insane. Though honestly I don�t think that yogurt would make such a huge difference to my figure � but when in doubt � pick non-fat foods, just by habit.

But Im thinking � how much stress does a woman have to go for this �ideal� thing. And yeah I don�t have to, and blah, but the bottom line is � people notice everything and judge you by everything. My friend D.G. is a best example of that. He�s a sweet guy all in all, but boy can he be mean when it comes to judging women � and mind you, he always talks about other women, like when we went to Hawaii w him and girls were passing by, the comments he made were like.. no of course they made me laugh but at the same time I was like � what the hell is he thinking about me then. The whole thinness thing and that type of hair and that type of nose and gosh I would probably shoot myself if we were dating. Such men are best kept as friends. (Well besides D.G. cannot date anyone who is single and available, a woman must be pursued exclusively based on her unavailability, whether involved with another or married or living thousands miles away.) Anyway, I don�t have anything against D.G. as all in all he is a sweet guy and I like him, and he happens to be a best friend of someone that I care for a lot (and who�s I think the only person who knows of existence of this diary up to date). But anyway, the point is, society shapes us and we act accordingly and why the hell can�t I have a normal yogurt when I want and no one is putting gun to my head saying take non fat either! Just perplexes me sometimes.

Oh well. Enough ranting. Sleeping over at Mike�s today as he should help me out in cutting papers for my final project and putting it all together. He�s so good to me, I mean all the manual stuff for my projects he does because unlike me he�s a real artist and got an eye for cutting and measuring while I always mess things up. It�s really sweet of him though to not mind doing it b/c it�s quite tedious ;) Guess I�m a lucky girl.

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