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4:32 p.m., Mar. 15, 2002

It's amazing how things have their own way of sorting themselves out. Mike was able to squeeze half an hour to pick up my prints and they didn't charge him for it! (forgot about it :) and then I printed the rest of the files they screwed up at my job (ok so $1 per page but I don't care, I need my good grade ;)

On top, religious friends who were supposed to have dinner w us tomorrow canceled due to some unexpected engagement party they must attend so it all works out as will have more time to finish up my projects and study for biology.

On the other note, K. did not get that position, apparently they hired someone else. Oh well. Actually within these last 2 weeks she has been much better, e.g., less annoying and quiter too so I suppose I shouldn't complain. All is for the best. I would have to re-train a new person from scratch which is also kind of tiring so I guess everything has its own advantages.

Was a relatively quiet day today and I cant wait to get out of here! Will go visit grandma and then hang out with Nikka. So I guess things are OK, besides next week will be easy as will just hand in projects. Only hope I won't flunk biology. Actually it was one of teh best classes I took in a long time though our teacher is a complete whacko, like seriously paranoid and mental, but at the same time very knowledgeable. From his point of view though everything in the medical world is just one global conspiracy to make u pay them :) Who knows..

ok enough ranting got to finish stuf at work and then GO!

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