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10:35 p.m., Dec. 22, 2002

Yesterday, we had a goodbye party for R. and C, our friends who are moving out of state tomorrow. It was a bit sad, but overall nice. I am sure they'll come visit - C's mom lives here. They gave us tons of books! It was pretty cool. They both are avid readers, and when they were packing, there simply wasn't any more space to put all of the books, so there was a good fifty or so left, the ones they felt they could part with. We took a huge bag of books, and there still was a whole pile left, they're going to donate the rest. So.. I am enjoying reading now, all kinds of stuff, from humor to psychology, to fairy tales. Yes.

Also... The novel needs refinment. I realized I can't just write it in one shot like that, though it's tempting...with the break and all. So, before I actully go through with it, I need to do some more reading, mainly myths... I got a pile of books on my table now, from the library. I got to say, we have the best library in the city! It actually is ranked in the top four in the US from the public libraries, pretty good. So, it will be a productive vacation after all. Sitting cuddled in some sort of blanket and reading books.. and also working on my other translation which is going real slow because it takes such a long time to translate even simplest idioms, to actually convey the meaning right. I am a very picky translator, I guess. I feel ok now, almost as if life is where it should be. It's a tricky feeling because.. it never really is. But for a brief time i let myself enjoy it.

On another topic. Mike bought curtains. Our living room has a huge glass window going outside, size of a wall. It's a view with a balcony. So, until now it had no curtains. No big deal, it's not like we were walking naked around it all the time :) But with this insane cold, he felt that if we got curtains it would keep it warmer... so I entrusted him with the task. During the time right after we got married (and a bit before), when we were buying stuff for our place, we used to do it together, always, and get into those insane arguments because our tastes, as it turned out, almost never matched! :)

I don't like arguing with him, the stupid household appliances are not worth our love and relationship. So, I told him - go and buy any curtains you want (secretly praying they won't be orange!). Boy, did he surprise me. The curtains are burgundy. This rich dark deep burgundy color, that you see in the palace interiers of France :) It does match the color of the couch (it's a separate story about that couch.. it was Mike's only worthy piece of furniture made out of leather, Italiain, and he ordered custom colors.. burgundy leather with BLUE piping. Yes, blue. It looks weird at first but then u almost see a beauty in it). Anyhow, he put the curtains up today. Our place literally changed. It looks very cosy. Nikka visited today for tea, which was so nice, normally she can't due to dog and cat (she's highly allergic), but today she was testing her anti-allergy medicine, since she will come to our New Year party, so she came by. She said our place looked like one of those orgy houses (Seinfield reference: dark tapestries.. wierd robes.. oils..:))) But she did say it looked very mysterious and cosy. If it only was warmer!!!!!! Oh well.

So... All is cool. I wonder about my grades still, but they won't come till end of this week probably, if not later. Oh well. Tomorrow is drinks with the girls. Also my diet starts. I'll keep u posted.

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