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11:39 a.m., Aug. 14, 2002

Isn't it frustrating when you type this long entry and click something wrong and it all gets deleted? I hate when it happens!

So, starting all over again. Anyway.. I am freezing! It's not even funny - our school has this air conditioner on, which is like a freezer. I want to go home! :)

Well, only one class left. I decided that I really miss Paris! I want to go back there. And also, I want to go to Switzerland, for some reasons. And Egypt, of course. ;)

One day, when we will make lots of $ (maybe!) of course we'll go to all those places. Meanwhile, I have to be happy about visitiing D. and Vegas. I can't believe I'll see D. only in 2 weeks! It feels unreal almost, like in movies.. I think it's so marvelous that Mike is not a jelaous guy. I mean, he has 0 jelaousness. He knows D and I dated, and he has no problems with that! He tells me, you could date anyone in the world, but the fact is, you're with me now. He doesn't care if I have guy friends. And the truth is, most of my friends are guys. If they all lived in Chicago, we'd hang out in interesting company! But it just so happens that they all live in different cities/countries. But I always made better friends with guys. Guys are cool. So Mike actually jokes that we'll make quite a quadra-je-tua (sorry for terrible mispelling) - me, D.G., D., and him! ;) I can see that. oh yeah.

Other than that... We're going to my brother's fiance's parents on Friday. Should be cool. I still am not talking to my mom. I figured, let her take some time out and think about her behavior. Of course, now she's mad at me, because I talk to my dad, and not her. Well, why shouldn't I talk to my dad? He never makes me feel like shit. He loves me no matter how I look. But anyway, I hope that she doesn't make scenes, on Friday that is. Not that I care, but would be annoying.

I probaly will take 5 classes next quarter! I never took 5 before. But now I'm in school full time, what the heck. Should be cool, and will make my last quarter much easier. I just hope I will be able to take all classes I need. Keeping my fingers crossed. Will have to stand in a huge line, but on a plus side, will be one of the first. So.. hopefully it will be fine.

Well, class is about to start.. running.

P.S. One more thing: i got a great book, at www.kniga.com- by D. Romanov, the flute player of Aquarium, who died very recently... It's called "Istoria Aquariuma- kniga fleitista". It's pretty cool. Too bad they only could publish it after his death.

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