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11:40 a.m., Mar. 23, 2001

My dad's bd party was yesterday. It went nicely, he really enjoyed his present (a wok, a chinese frying pan ;) He is a huge Chinese food fan, and now he is experimenting with making his own Chinese food, so he was thrilled to have a wok. I am such a good daughter ;)

We are going to see Russian Arc today - finally! It was sold out last time we tried, and then Mike insisted it's not playing anywhere and i was bummed out, but then I looked myself - and sure enough it is. He didn't research it as well! ;)

I feel no desire neither to discuss war nor to watch Oscars. Somehow the whole closing of red carpet, interrupting the show for brief news breaks and the whole drama of it just doesn't sit well with me. We had an interesting discussion yesterday by the table at my dad's party how even actors who are pro war wouldn't dare say so... because they are afraid they wouldn't get jobs -

it's politically correct to be against war in those circles, so of course everyone is "protesting" - even those who secretly may be pro war. And there is nothing worse than watching fake tears and fake emotions, when acting becomes not only on screen but in life. So I am almost a hundred percent not watching Oscars this year. Part of me wants to , but part of me refuses to partake in such spectale. Besides, LOTR won't win anyway. It's funny, I read on moviefone.com the results of popular vote for Oscars, and boy, LOTR got pretty much majority of categories - according to the people. But of course the Academy will give it all to pretentious Chicago. It reminds me of our elections... Gore wins popular vote, Bush wins - via tricks of course - the college vote. You can say your average bozo cannot pretend to be a movie critic, and therefore people's opinions shouldn't count... But I always had antagonistic feelings towards critics. People who make their living by only analyzing someone else's work but never producing their own make me sick. Roger Ebert's opinion doesn't seem to be any more valuable than my own, or any other person's.

And I guess that's all I got to say at the moment. Going to exersice. Ate too much yesterday :)

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