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5:45 p.m., Oct. 03, 2002

I feel slightly lethargic. Dunno, it's been raining here for two days, perhaps that's why. I feel like I don't want to do anything - not that I do anyway, I mostly read books. School starts Monday, so vacation are - well almost - over. Maybe it's for the best.

But hey, tomorrow Red Dragon starts! I simply cannot wait! I know it's silly to get so worked up about a movie, but I really am excited. Nikka and I are going tomorrow night - I might even get tickets in advance.

Also, I found couple of russian movies that I love on DVD - and, more importantly, with English subtitles. So finally I could show Mike some of them - the good ones, of course. ;) He loves comedy - well, there's nothing more comedic than "Hello I'm your aunt!" ;) So can't wait till they get here.

I'm still not completely over my cold - it goes up and down, so feel a bit woozy. And I was wearing my cool fall boots today - they're black and almost knee high. That felt good! I really do owe it to myself to get a decent fall coat though, as my old one is quite lame. So... perhaps I just might.

Ah, Stacie's wedding is so close now, I cannot wait. For some reasons Im excited - I like weddings, especially when I don't have to do anything ;) aside for showing up. And besides, can't wait to wear my new Chinese dress - how girly is that.

No major plans for the weekend, just relax and enjoy. I've read about 4 different books over these 2 weeks - it's kind of cool, but I feel like I need some other stimulus. C'est la vie.

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