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8:39 a.m., Apr. 28, 2003

this weekend went crazily fast. Another shower for my brother's fiance, and my nephew's birthday. Last night Mike and I went for a long long walk. It was so nice. I missed just hanging out with him, it seems like our weekends are just packed all the time lately.

Got into this ridiculous argument with my mom - she started it though. I am really trying hard not to fight with her, but sometimes I cannot just hold my opinion, when things she says are boarding on nonsense. So as a result of me expressing my opinion, she got upset. Oh well.

It's finally gotten warm here, and suddenly time is just speeding up, already 3 weeks of school passed, that means only 8 left, so 2 months exactly. I am in a good shape, but I do feel nervous. I think I am going to start to look for a job pretty soon - like, this week ;) Just look around, send some resumes out. You can never start too early, right. I guess we'll see.

Well, time to get some breakfast.

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